
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Polished Contest

Recently I've been getting into nail polish and I have just discovered an awesome blog that's holding a contest! Sarah of The Polished is giving away 3 nail polishes as first prize, 2 nail polishes as second prize and 1 nail polish as third!

To find out more about this contest, click here.

Here's 2 colours I really want:

OPI Do You Lilac It?

OPI Koala Bear-y

Monday, August 17, 2009

Things I Want...

These are the things I want (in pictures). All these things I will eventually get. If not, I will be a very unhappy woman.

Forever New stretch mini, AUD$70

Mac brushes to add to my collection, L to R: 219, 109, 224

Shubar shoes which are on sale now... I want them sooo bad!

Hot Miami Styles skirt... for when I want to dress like a skank (for which I've been known to do).

Friday, August 14, 2009


I'm so glad the weekend is upon us. I love the weekends, no getting up early and just bumming around. Tony, my older son often stays over at my mum's house- he just loves staying over for some reason. Probably to get away from me, the cranky mum who doesn't like loud noises and mess! Haha. I hope Dante does the same when he gets older!

This weekend will be a quiet one. No shopping (boo hoo), but we'll be looking at display homes with my parents. I think that's all we'll be doing. Usually we go to a shopping center but P is sick of them and I have no money to spend so we'll be giving that up until we have cash agian.

I really need to start looking for a good concealer and foundation. I've heard great things about Mac so I might look into that... when I have money, of course! Right now I'm using Revlon products. I like Revlon- affordable and does the job nicely. And they're not hard to find, which is a bonus. I like being able to pick up something without having to go too far from home.

Anyway I don't really have much more to say. I wish I could have a whole day to myself, to shop! How I took that for granted! I can't wait to start shopping agian. Have a good weekend, all!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

10th Photo Tag

I was tagged to do this by Tamara:

  1. Open your first photo folder
  2. Scroll down to the 10th photo
  3. Post that photo and story on your blog
  4. Tag 5 others (or more) to do the same

Here is my tenth photo in my first folder:

This is a shot of Dante when he was about 8 months old. I decided to take photos as he seemed so happy playing in his ExerSaucer bouncer.

I'm now tagging:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Uh-oh, I Bought Shoes!

I went out and bought these shoes today. Shhh! Don't tell the partner! He's forbidden me to buy anymore shoes as I have lots already, but I just had to have this one. It was 30% off! So now it's sitting in the boot of the car, hidden away. I don't know how I'm going to take it out of the car without him knowing. I also don't know when I'll get to wear them. I'll probably have to wait awhile before it's safe to do so! But they look hot with jeans.

I'm a little dissapointed, I wanted to buy two others but one style they didn't have, and one they did have and it looked great, but when I tried it on it wasn't comfortable at all. Like, it was digging into my toes and made my toes look all squishy. I wanted to get it but I know I wouldn't be able to wear them for long before they'd start to hurt, so I did the smart thing and let them go. They were so pretty though. *sobs* Why can't all shoes be comfy?!

I really want to go to a bigger store and look for the other one that I want. You can order it online, but my credit card is maxed out. Boo hoo! So I'm not sure what I can do just yet. I'll probably end up paying my credit card off just enough so I can purchase it. But if I order it and it arrives, won't P be like "wtf"?! Oh, the joys of having a partner. NOT. I don't want to be sneaky but I don't want to be deprived either. If I want something, I have to have it. Why can't men understand that?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

O.P.I Russian Navy and Chip Skip

I've been trialling O.P.I's Chip Skip. Let me just start off by saying that I was skeptical at first. It's a product you apply to your nails before you put your base coat on, it dries in seconds and is clear. It claims to prevent chips, and it really does what it claims! Your polish won't chip for a week or more. I've been wearing my polish since Wednesday last week, it's been 8 days since and not a chip in sight. Usually I start getting chips in a day or two! So the product does work, and I would definately recommend it.

The colour I'm wearing is Russian Navy by O.P.I. I wanted to get a really dark, almost black colour and I found it! It's good to wear with dark denims.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Want These Shoes!

At Hype DC they have some gorgeous shoes on sale... I really really want the ones pictured! It's been a long time since I've bought some fashionable shoes for myself... I think the last time was in Feb. But that doesn't really count, cuz P bought them for me. When I want something, I obsess over it. I can't stop thinking about it. I scheme up ways I can get it. I even dream about it!

So I guess I'm going to have a hard time until I can get my hands on these shoes. It will be a loooong while before I can sleep peacefully. P says they look skanky. Do they? I don't think they do at all, but each to their own.

Bio-Oil Works!

I've been AWOL recently... well not really, I've just been glued to the tv because we recently got foxtel installed. But anyway, for the past month I've been using bio-oil for my acne scarring. I really should have taken a before and after, but I didn't think of it back then. I had a whole heap of scarring on both my cheeks and a bit of my chin. And when I say a lot, I really do mean A LOT!! It was the focal point of my face. It was the first thing you saw. It was the ONLY thing you saw, come to think of it. And it was dark in colour, like a brownish red.

So the past month, I've been using bio-oil as religiously as I can. I forgot a few times, but for the majority of the time I was good. I have really noticed the difference! The scarring has faded, it's now no longer the focal point of my face, nor is that garrish brownish red colour, and my skin is smoother too. So does it work? For me, YES! I would definately recommend it. It says to use for three months, I have seen improvements in just one month! A great product, I'm so glad I have used it as it's improved my appearance and confidence heaps!