
Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Wish I Had Her Body!

I ladore all the Victoria's Secret angels but my fav would definately be Miranda Kerr. Not just because she is a fellow aussie! I've admired her ever since she won the DOLLY 1997 modelling competition. I remember being 12 and wanting to be just like her.

Let me tell you a little secret- I've always wanted to be a model. Since the age of 10 or 11, I think. I used to will myself to grow taller so that I could one day be plucked from the crowds of a busy shopping center and be "discovered". Sadly, I never grew past 5'5 (165cm) so my modelling dreams were shattered. But thinking about it now, I could never have been a model- I had bad teeth and skin!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've started a "diet" to lose some extra weight I've gained. I must admit, it's not going too well. I've been eating pretty much everything that pases my line of vision. That includes chocolate cake and honey roasted cashews. D'oh! So I thought I needed some encouragement to help me stick to healthy eating. That's where Miranda Kerr comes in. She is a little on the skinny side, but she has the physique I am after and I'm quick to put down the deep fried chicken when I think of her.

I'm not fat but I'm not where I want to be. I just want to lose the 4kg (9lbs) I've gained since last year and lose my little pot belly. My body shape is a bit like Miranda's when I'm really skinny, so it's not like I'm striving for something that's never gonna happen. I've been thin before, I'll be thin agian. Hopefully before Khem's birthday, so if she throws a party I'll look hot! Hi Khem! Hehehe!

I must try harder with this diet of mine!


  1. sigh..shes close to perfect. when i was younger my mom used to tell me that taking naps in the afternoon would make me taller. what a lie coz im still flat 5'0 lol.

    Nicole from the Pussycat dolls has the perfect body for me. Ive always wanted to achieve a body like hers but that means i have to give up all the good things in life like all the wonderful fatty food...another sigh lol

  2. you're lucky you only gained 9 lbs from having your baby. i was 130 b4 i was preggers,and after i had the baby, im at 180.and i was a complete veggitarian during my pregnancy! i love meat, but for some reason, while i was preggers, the smell of meat and fish and eggs made me sooo sick!!! even now, my daughter refuses to eat any meat or fish or eggs, WIERD. she loves tofu and veggies though, i guess thats a good thing, shes naturally a health nut!
    btw, are you khmer?

  3. im glad ur gawjuss babi boi pays attention to my colours! lol hehe!

    thanks for visiting hun!

    rubey x

  4. =] hey honey,

    i'd loveeee if u entered.
    the comp closes 30th June so you got lots and lots of time to think!!

    your v. gorgeous btw; ive just become a new follower =]xo

  5. oh wow mee too! im such a dork, i always get excited when i meet another khmer person thats under 30 LOL i always feel like im the only one

  6. Ohh Miranda Kerr is one, fine lady. I love Alessandra Ambrosio out of all the angels, though.

    Nice blog by the way! :)

  7. omg, i wouldnt mind having ANY of those vs models bodies haha! and girl! u are lucky u only gained 9 lbs. omg, i went crazy eating when i was preggy. i gained so MUCH! & now i regret it! *sigH

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